Thursday, April 1, 2010

The First day of the rest of our lives!

So much excitement buzzing around my house lately:

Blueberry is coming! Today marks the start of 22 weeks (he is the size and weight of a papaya now). Lately, I’ve been feeling like he is starting to crowd my lung capacity! It is especially noticeable at choir and while swimming. He is kicking up a storm in there! Every time I eat, I can count 2 minutes & he’ll be kicking. Yup – he is definitely his father’s son - in love with food already. I wasn’t aware it started that early!!!

Today is the opening day of PRI trading. Jon has been SOOOOOOOOO excited for the Primerica IPO to hit. I don’t think he’s slept much in the past few days just due to excitement alone. We get to watch Primerica ring the closing bell on Wall Street later today!
In other blueberry news, since the nursery is *almost* done (Jon just has to install the baseboard, put the fan back, install the doors, and we’ll be all set!); I bought the crib mattress! It was delivered in record time too! (2 days?). So now we just need to set up the crib & I can put it in there!

Also, being the dork that I am, I’ve been researching cloth diapers & looking at reviews, etc. I know there is truth to the ‘ try before you buy’ adage, but it’s hard! They’re so cute! I did however buy some awesome detergent – Rockin green detergent. It’s chemical/dye free, safe for cloth diapers, sensitive skin, baby stuff, Jon, etc. Now I just need to get excited about doing laundry… or should I say folding laundry? I seem to have no problem throwing dirty clothes in to be cleaned, however – it’s the folding/putting away that gets me every time!

Also – I bought a bunch of parenting books. The one that came yesterday with the mattress? The Modern Girl’s Guide to Motherhood. So far, it looks awesome. As far as I can tell, it is fairly neutral on a lot of the ‘heavily debated’ topics.

Kayla is getting more and more excited that it's spring! She sits outside eating sticks for longer and longer everyday. Also, she loves that it is still light out when mommy comes home (which means we go play ball in the backyard for a bit as long as it's not too muddy!). and this weekend is supposed to be 80 degrees? super awesome!!!

I'm getting low on clothing options (as compared to my pre-pregnancy wardrobe). And since I have this uncanny aversion to folding and putting cloths away, a lot of my (limited) options are sitting in piles, unironed, lost... But on the upside, as a result, I wore a dress to work today, which is super comfy & pretty, so that makes up for it!

Easter is this Sunday. Need I say more?

This will probably be the last time Jon & I exchange easter baskets, but I'm excited for it anyway (it was a target special!)

So this morning, on the way to work I told Blueberry - today is the first day of the rest of our lives! I know he heard because he kicked back (or was that the luna bar?). ;)


  1. :) I can't stand the folding/putting away either! I'm glad to hear all is going well with you. I thought you looked wonderful singing in choir on Sunday!

  2. Sooo exciting! How did the room come out with that sticker border stuff you bought at Surprise Surprise!? I'm really curious. Put a picture up! I'm excited for the weather too. I hope it stays this way for a very long time!
