Friday, March 12, 2010

The YMCA & Iron Girl

I got a chance to go swimming at the Y last night. It was such an awesome experience - I knew I had to share it.

I got to the pool at 7:29 (to get dibs on the ONLY lap lane). there was another woman in the lane - so I asked if she was OK with sharing. I could tell that she was intimidated a little bit by the thought of sharing (what if I don't go fast enough? what if she is mean? what if...). So I just flashed her my biggest smile & tried to make her feel comfortable... fast foward thru warm-up (I have master's swim warm-up on auto pilot now)... it was time to take a breather & put the fins on (I've been doing mainly fin workouts since swimming is my only workout nowadays - I like to work out my legs a little too!!!).

The swimmer was at the wall - so I just mentioned that I really liked her suit (it had a pretty floral pattern, but looked like a good solid lap suit too. cute + functional = good).

Now what follows next is funny. I do it too - so no judgement. I wonder why women tend to do this (but I think I know why I do it). She said "oh - I got it from such and such a catalog - the instructor from deep water swim reccomends it because it lasts years and years." Which was interesting - I've heard of that catalog before (I think it was left on the locker room benches at the Y a while back). I think women are too quick to assume that people are making a compliment to find out where you got something as opposed to just making the compliment for you. Again - I'm guilty ALL the time. Ladies, we need to learn to accept compliments for what they are!

Anyways, I was so glad to have started talking to her. She asked if I was going to do the Iron Girl this year (yay!!! do I still look like a triathlete? :):):) that made my day). She mentioned how she was training slowly with triathlon as her ultimate goal!!! DING DING DING!!! She didn't sign up for the Iron Girl because she didn't feel as if she was ready. I told her my story - how I did the Iron Girl for the first time last year, then I signed up for 2 more races, seemingly impossible (the skinnyman 'I'm all that' and the fingerlakes olympic Tri). It was just so awesome to be able to encourage and inspire a fellow woman. She thanked me before I continued on with my fins. I do hope that I meet up with her again - to get her name & email. My theory: 1st of all, you CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens you; 2nd of all: if I did it, you can do it too!!!

After she left, I got another lane buddy - turns out, she was also a triathlete in training (signed up for the Iron Girl!). I talked with her briefly as well. I just love going to the Y and meeting all these women excited for the Iron Girl! It does make me slightly jealous that I can't compete this year (I'll be in the 'labor triathlon' around that time - you know, 1st stage of labor, 2nd, 3rd... hahaha - get it? hopefully it's a sprint distance!) But THIS is the race I'm in now - so I can be content & happy & excited about it.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want to accomplish with my life. I'm convinced more and more everyday that it has something to do with encouraging and inspiring women to reach new heights.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome- I totally know what you mean about helping people.
