Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kayla and the pregnancy pillow

Since becoming pregnant, my sleep has degraded significantly from the peaceful - uninterrupted - awesomeness that it was before. At first, it started as me waking up to the teeth chomping or snoring of my hubby. after smaking him around, I'd fall right back to sleep. Then, I found I was waking up becuase my back hurt, so I resolved to get a pregnancy pillow.

I found a pretty awesome one. but it forces me to sleep on my side! (something I'm NOT good at). But 'they' say after 5 months, you should no longer sleep on your side due to decreased bloodflow. SO - after a few weeks of sleeping with the pregnancy pillow, my hips started to hurt. After a LOOOOONG night of very little sleep - I woke up and told Jon "I don't care how much it costs, we're getting a memory foam mattress topper!!!!"

And so we did. and sleep has been good ever since then (notice how I didn't say awesome!).

Here is what our Dog thinks of all this:

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