Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lately & Thoughts...

***** Just a disclaimer that this post is seemingly random *****

Yesterday, I told everyone at work. It really wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. I was envisioning bitter people coming out of the woodwork booing me or something. paranoid much?

A lot of people already knew, just not my management. So that's mainly who I mean when I say I 'told' everyone. at 9am, there was this big kickoff meeting for a program that is starting up that I've been put in the lead position. in the meeting, words were mentioned like "Overtime" and "highly challenging". AND - the delivery date (for the radars) is end of september. Needless to say, I accepted the lead before I knew I'd be getting pregnant. So I figured that now is as good a time as any! Plus, my belly is noticably rounding out.

I think my program manager was a little surprised. but Oh well - they'll get along just fine sans moi (and if they don't, I won't be there to know!)

Other than that, being the shameless GEEK that I am - I've been researching on baby topics like cloth diapering, baby gear, baby wearing (who knew?), & breastfeeding. There are SOOOO many different opinions on how to raise the perfect baby. I can see now why there is so much guilt associated with what people percieve as being a 'bad mother.' There are books upon books about how you should do things one way or the other. I've decided up front to use my common sense, do the things my doctor says I should be, and make things work the best I can.

From what I read on cloth diapering, it sounds like something I definitely want to try. Not only can you save loads of $$ (YAY!), it's good for the environment & better for the baby's skin. Sounds like a good deal to me. Plus - they're cuter than disposibles :). We'll just have to find one that works for us.

In my doctor's office, they sell the 'moby' wrap to wear your baby (basically a sling carrier with a bunch of different configurations possible). This thought intrigues me - especially when I think about what i'm going to want to do in the first -let's say - 6 months. I'm thinking, walk around the block with Kayla (the dog), go play in the park behind the house with Kayla, grocery store, church, out to eat (if I'm lucky!!!). I think all of these things can be accomplished with a sling and a car seat... I could be wrong, I just hate the idea of buying a big bulky expensive stroller that i'll never use. Then, around 6 months (earliest they say a baby can be run with) we'll start jog/running with the - wait for it - IRONMAN running stroller!!! heck yes! :) I've got to start the squirt off early!!!

I know it's a bit expensive, but I figure it's like sneakers - you just don't mess with the cheap-o ones.

Now I've run across this term 'co-sleeping.' It's basically where babies and young children sleep in your bed (with you and your husband). hmm... yeah... I'm going to have to go ahead and skip out on this one. I'm thinking the baby should sleep in it's own bed/crib... I'd like to see the statistics on families in the US & modern cultures like ours that 'co-sleep' and the divorce/separation rate. I'm thinking - direct correlation? Maybe it's just not for me & my family.

I find that I am a planner. I like to be prepared for what lies ahead (actually the Keegan family motto is "Always Prepared" isn't that weird?). And I heard something the other day that really freed me - the passage in the Bible that talks about "don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself" Doesn't mean don't plan for tomorrow! It just means don't worry about it. No more guilt in that sense about my need to by constantly looking into the future, preparing, making lists, etc!

Last random thought - one of the things I look foward to at work (don't judge!) is sometimes, when I go to the ladies room early enough, there is my favorite stall (3rd one) and the toilet seat is flipped up indicating that no one's naked bottom sat on it since it was cleaned the night before. This always brings me such happiness. I guess it's the little things. What is even better for some reason is when I get in there and ALL three toilets have the seats flipped up! no bottoms anywhere!


  1. Do NOT co sleep - parents have rolled over and smothered their babies in their sleep without realizing it.

  2. I LOVE those baby wrap things where you wear the baby, I totally want one lol

  3. Oh and nevermind a disclaimer, I LOVE random blogs of thoughts, I mean all I do is write about whatever is on my mind, plenty of complaining and contemplating!

  4. I know, this hospital makes no sense. they do pay for education but only medical education so it just doesn't make any sense. I dont' know what to do. I can't imagine being in this job for another year, I'm really bored, but thank god Im taking classes I guess. Everyone thinks that if you "break" the verbal commitment you just won't really get a good reference from them but I just don't know.
    Yeah, I'm the opposite of you, I am going to seriously tank the math part like get a score of 0 and get like a perfect score on the verbal and writing part, hahahahahaha but at least I'm sure history masters programs wont care as much if i suck at math....
