Today is the first day of July... I am 35 weeks along today & I have 35 days left until Blueberry's due date!!! 35/35. It's easily conceivable that he'd be here THIS MONTH.
Lots of people have been asking: are you ready? Is anyone ever ready for such a huge life change? Intellectually, I've prepared as much as I could. Physically, I'm sure my body at least knows what's going on; I've got his nursery set up and some teeny tiny cloths washed for him. As for the rest of it - it's just a wild adventure. Maybe I'm ready insomuch that I have no expectations.
I'm super excited for this weekend - the 3rd of July at the lake (
super excited - there is a band this year! of couse, I'm going to make the triple berry chocolate ganache layer cake, thinking about making something with shrimp as well), friday night at Michelle's (I'm debating whether to bring my bathing suit and go swimming - all I fit in now FOR SURE is my 2 piece racer!), the fourth of July on the boat - possibly seeing fireworks from the boat!, craft fair in Cazenovia, and the best of all: monday off to recover!!!!!!!
Other questions I get:
~How are you feeling? Good. I really can't complain. I feel like me, except with some minor annoyances that are totally manageable, the appetite of a teenage boy, and feeling like I have to pee every time I stand up.
~when are you due? Aug 5th.
~do you know what you are having boy or girl? Boy.
~do you have names picked out? (this cracks me up - no one has ever flat out asked me 1st what his name will be - they always ask if we've picked names) Yes we have a name in mind.
~What is it? we're not sharing.
~Are you excited? umm - you obviously don't know me at all - OF COURSE I'M EXCITED!
~Is the baby's room ready? Jon says: "YES!" (becuase HE doesn't have anything else to do in there - it's painted.) Liz says "NO!!!" (because we have a livingroom full of things that need to be cleaned, organized, and put away)
But it blows my mind that it is July already- I remember in previous months thinking about how july was so close (especially since my due date is August 5th!). we have a few things going on this month - 2 weddings, a leadership school - and back when I got the invitations and whatnot, thinking "will I even want to move at that point!!!" now July is here, and I feel perfectly OK moving - it's being out in the heat for very long that bothers me (by me, I mean specifically my ankles). The only day (besides before 37 weeks - which is only 2 weeks from now) I DON't want him to come on is my birthday. Is that totally selfish? He'll probably come then just because I'm putting this in words.
The question is: will Jon be able to handle 2 Leo's in the house? We shall see!!!